The price of rent the cottage per night including breakfast for each guest (in Swedish-table form) is:
From 120 to 325PLN per night, for cottage.
The price depends on the type of house (4 persons or 5 persons), the time of renting a cottage, length of stay and number of people.
There are no extra payment for electricity, water and parking.
"Hotel day" begins at 2pm at day of arrive, and end's at 10am in leaving day. Pre-booking can be made by email or phone.
The reservation is understood as final after payment in 3 working days 30% of complete rent price on account:
IBAN: PL32102046810000110200242206
The remaining 70% of rent price must be paid in day of arrive at the cottage. In the high season we prefer stay for 1 week or 2 weeks - from saturday to saturday. (other than weekly stays are posibble when we have free cottage in that days)
We issuev VAT invoices
Off high-season we accept corporate integration, closed trainings - groups up to 40 people.
Grilling, fireplace, boat fishing for cod and other atractions.